Some of us have a very clear idea from an early age about the type of career we would like when we leave school. The rest of us may change our minds many times as we get older, or have no clear idea at all about what we would like to do even after we've left school. So in order to help you along with the world of jobs & careers we've taken a look to see what your options are.
Links to useful websites related to working by the Work Institute.
Ministry of Employment and Social Protection
News, announcements, public statements. Information on vocational training, employment and support for the unemployed, the employed, women and social groups with special needs.
Summer jobs
Find here all the registered Greek companies that offer seasonal jobs. There are telephone numbers and links for each enterprise.
What is a CV?
The Perfect CV
Truth is, there's no such thing as the perfect CV! Everyone is different and no two jobs are the same. An impressive CV is one that can show a potential employer how well suited you are to them. It's also your chance to shine and we show you how to shine your light as brightly as possible....
Start by thinking about the format, content and presentation
The layout
There are three main types of CV - chronological, functional/skills-based and targeted.
Chronological CV
A chronological CV is the one most people are familiar with. This historical account of work experience and qualifications is easy to write, a familiar format for employers and a good way to show career development. Because it puts a focus on career progression it's not suitable if you have had career breaks or a patchy employment history.
Functional CV
A functional CV highlights your skills and aptitudes. This gives you the chance to describe yourself through what you can do, rather than jobs you have had. It's an effective way of showing what you have to offer if you're going for your first job, returning to work after a break or have had lots of different jobs.
Targeted CV
A targeted CV aims at a specific job and highlights the skills and experience relative to the post, leaving out the 'useless' information. Similar in layout to a functional CV but the key skills etc. would be directed to the specific requirements of the advertised job.
The content
One of the great advantages of a CV is that you choose what to put in. Use it to show yourself off to best advantage. Keep it short and to the point.
Look critically at every item you include. If you can't immediately see why it's there, take it out.
Don't include things that happened more than ten years ago unless they still have relevance to this application.
Essential items
• Name and full contact details
• A short career objective or career profile
• Education and qualifications
• Relevant work experience
• Interests, activities and achievements that clearly show desirable skills for this application
• Details of referees if they have been specifically asked for - otherwise write 'References on request'
Don't include the following unless they're requested
• Marital status
• Details of children
• Your photograph
• Health details
• Nationality
Power words
These power words have the potential to spice up your CV. Using these words can sometimes allow you to put just the right spin on your skills to get you noticed. Just make sure you know what it means before you add it to your CV masterpiece...
Employers are usually looking for specific qualities, such as good communication skills, organisational skills, language skills, initiative, flexibility, teamwork and the ability to cope with pressure. When applying for positions, pick out the skills required and demonstrate that you have them.
For example, ‘Managed a team of five and supervised the launch of a new sales initiative’.
Some fab power words are:
• co-ordinated
• developed
• established
• initiated
• managed
• organised
• performed
Top CV tips
Remember there are no hard-and-fast rules about how you present your information. You should simply aim to produce a CV that will reflect all your best points in relation to the job requirements, while giving the employer a good idea about the kind of person you are.
• Keep it simple and get straight to the point. Try not to exceed two pages, as excessively long CVs may be discarded on sight. Adapt it to the job, emphasising the skills and experience needed for the specific post.
• Show the relevance of skills from a previous job, even if the jobs do not appear to have much in common.
• The style should suit the job you are applying for. For example, if you are trying to sell your skills in the graphic arts, you may feel that a carefully designed CV is most appropriate.
• Be positive, honest and not too modest! For example, give your achievements the glory they deserve. In the education section of your CV, list your most relevant and recent qualifications first, with any degree, diploma or higher education course given first.
Presentation tips
How your CV looks is important, as this is what creates the first impression. Go for clean, crisp and clear by doing the following:
• Type or word processing your CV as black text on a white background
• Print each page on a separate sheet
• Keep it plain. Fancy fonts are more of a distraction than a help
• Make it easy to follow by being consistent with headings, fonts and use of 'bold'
• Leave lots of white space so it doesn't look cluttered
Preparing for your Interview
Purpose of Interview
Most employers select people for jobs by giving them an interview. An interview enables an employer to decide whether or not you are suitable for the job s/he has to offer. It should also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and discover whether or not it is the type of job you think you would like.
Preparing for the Interview
There are several things you can do to make a favourable impression:
• Punctuality: Know where the interview is being held and how to get there. Be there a few minutes early so that you have time to relax before you are called. If you are unavoidably delayed, telephone and let the firm know you will be late and explain why.
• Appearance: Do not overdress, but look neat and tidy. Even though attitudes to appearances are a bit more liberal than they used to be, most employers are still looking for people who are clean and smart.
• Know who to see: Know the name of the person you are to see and his/her position in the company. Write it down if you are likely to forget.
• Prepare for obvious questions: Be prepared to answer questions like “Why have you applied for this job?” and “Why do you think you would like to work here?” If possible, try to find out about the company and the job before you go for interview. This shows initiative and will help you answer these questions.
The Interview Itself
In a small business you may be interviewed by the owner or manager. Larger companies will have a Personnel Officer who deals with recruitment and employment matters. If you are applying for work in a large organisation, such as a Government Department or a Health Board, you may be interviewed by a panel of two or more persons. The advice is still the same:
• Treat the interview as an exchange of information. You will be asked details about yourself and told about the job on offer.
• Do not answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to questions. Try to give as much detail as you can – but don’t waffle!
• Be prepared to talk about yourself - your education, hobbies, interests, special achievements. This gives the employer an opportunity to find out more about you.
• Collect your thoughts and answer questions clearly and politely. Some interviewers may appear aggressive or challenge your interest in the job - this will be to test your reaction and your degree of interest, so do not be put off, but remain calm and polite.
• Towards the end of the interview you should be given the chance to ask questions yourself. Provided they have not been dealt with already, it is reasonable to ask about such matters as training, prospects, hours, wages or facilities for further education.
How to Behave at the Interview
Most people are nervous about interviews. The employer understands this and will try to put you at your ease. Avoid shuffling your feet, drumming with your fingers or shifting about in your chair. Do not smoke or chew gum - this may give you confidence but it can turn an employer off.
After the Interview
You may not be told straight away whether or not you have got the job. Other applicants may have to be interviewed or the employer may have to consult other people in the firm before reaching a decision. On the other hand, you may be offered the job on the spot. In this case you may need time to decide if it is what you really want. If so, talk it over with your parents and careers advisers. Do not accept the job if you have no intention of starting it.
Final Word
Don't be disheartened if you are unsuccessful. Don’t give up! There is a lot of competition for jobs and you may have to attend several interviews before you are placed. This does not mean that you are a failure - employers have a wide range of suitable people to choose from and only one can be offered the job. Remember, better luck next time!
Questions an Interviewer might ask
Here are some questions employers frequently ask at an interview - and the reason why they ask them.
-What activities do you participate in, outside of work? (To see abilities and interests which your work or school record did not reveal.)
-What do you consider to be your strengths? (An honest answer is a great help to and but be careful not to brag.)
-What do you consider to be your weaknesses? (Shows if you can recognise your own faults – but do not overdo it)
- What starting salary would you expect? (If you are not certain, say; “Any fair salary is fine to start.)
-What do you feel you have to offer to the job? (This gives you a chance to show you have abilities useful to your employer.)
-What suggestions or changes did you make in your last job? (This gives you a
chance to show you are a constructive person who has accomplishments.)
-Why did you apply for this job? (Most employers prefer a person who has selected a job to one who drifted into it.)