Pregnancy symptoms can be confusing. Some women experience many of these symptoms, while others experience few (not in any particular order.)
missed menstrual period
extreme fatigue
frequent urination
tender breasts
feeling faint
Can I get pregnant the first time I have sex?
Yes, if you have started your periods this means you have started ovulating (releasing an egg from your ovary) and so if you have sex without using any kind of contraception then you can become pregnant.
I'm worried I might be pregnant. What can I do?
Don't panic - there are lots of people who can help you. First check you really are pregnant by doing a test that you can buy at any pharmacy.
I know I am pregnant - help!
The first thing you should do, where possible, is to speak to someone you trust for advice. This could be a member of your family, a family friend, or another adult you feel close to. Your doctor will all be able to talk through your options with you. It will be a very emotional time for you and keeping something like this a secret can be very stressful, so please speak to someone soon.
Your three options are
1. continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby
2. continue with the pregnancy and have the baby adopted
3. discontinue the pregnancy (an abortion)
What exactly is an abortion and what does it involve?
It means ending a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. There are different ways of ending a pregnancy depending on the gestation (how far on it is). This is why it is important to seek help quickly.
If you are less than nine weeks pregnant, it may be possible to have a medical termination. This involves two visits to hospital, a few days apart. Occasionally it will involve an overnight stay but this is rare. The first visit is when you will be given tablets. The second visit will involve staying in the hospital for the day, where you will be given a peccary (a small tablet inserted in the vagina). After this treatment the lining of the womb and the embryo pass out of the vagina in a similar way to having a period
If you are up to 12 weeks pregnant you will be offered a surgical termination which involves a general anaesthetic (makes you unconscious). The doctor then removes the contents of the womb. This is done in hospital and usually involves being in for the day.
The best way to avoid all these issues is to use contraception, the condom being the only one protecting from pregnancy and sexual transmitting diseases.