Homosexuality & Bisexuality
What is homosexuality?
Homosexuality is the capacity to feel love and sexual satisfaction with someone of the same gender. Heterosexuality is the capacity to feel love and sexual satisfaction with someone of the other gender and bisexuality is the capacity to feel such a connection with someone of either gender.
Being bisexual
Bisexuality is the term used to describe someone who is attracted to both sexes. As some people haven't always had the opportunity to act on their feelings, this does not mean that someone will have had relationships with both sexes but they feel in themselves that this is a possibility. Bisexuals may be attracted to one sex more than the other and the attraction that they feel may vary from time to time.
Bisexuality is often viewed on as a phase, a period of experimentation before choosing who you would rather be with. However many people are bisexual for life. It is a sexual orientation itself. You may feel confused about how you feel and coming to terms with your sexuality can be difficult.
Being bisexual in a predominantly heterosexual world can be hard. You may feel alienated from wider society as well as suffer some prejudice from sections of the gay community. Although many of the issues of prejudice affect both gay people and bisexuals, some of the gay community feel that bisexuality is a mask for true homosexual feelings. Also you may suffer some rejection from potential partners who cannot understand your attraction to both sexes.
What causes homosexuality and bisexuality?
Perhaps a better question is "What determines sexual orientation (i.e.,. heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality)?" The factors that determine sexual orientation are complex. To date, no research has established the causes of either heterosexuality or homosexuality. There is growing understanding that human beings have basic sexuality which can be expressed in a variety of relationships -homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual. Although the causes are not known, many researchers believe that one's basic sexual orientation is predisposed at birth or established by a very early age. While these primary affectional inclinations may not be recognized or acknowledged for many years, once established, they tend not to change substantially.
How many gay men and lesbians are there?
The Kinsey Institute research, conducted in the 1940's and 1950's, suggests that approximately 10% of the population is lesbian or gay. Though some researchers believe this estimate to be too high or too low, it is safe to assume that lesbians and gay men constitute a significant minority group. Consequently, even though we may not be aware of their sexual orientation, most of us know someone who is lesbian or gay. The vast majority of lesbians and gay men remain "in the closet" - that is, they reveal their sexual orientation to only a few trusted friends.
When do gay men and lesbians first know?
There is no set age at which a person becomes aware that she or he is lesbian or gay. Some gay, lesbian, and bisexual people become aware of their sexual orientation during adolescence. Because of the strong societal pressures to be heterosexual, however, some people do not realize that a heterosexual lifestyle does not meet their needs until later in life, perhaps even after they have been married for years.
Can you tell if people are lesbian or gay by their appearance?
No. Lesbians and gay men are as varied in their dress, mannerisms, and styles as are heterosexuals. Despite this diversity, many stereotypes persist about the effeminate man or the masculine woman. Although some gay people do adopt these styles, the overwhelming majority of lesbians and gay men do not conform to these stereotypes, and their sexual orientation is invisible to the general public. We only "see" those who conform to our stereotypes.
People who dress in the clothing of the opposite sex are called transvestites. The vast majority of transvestites are heterosexual, not lesbians or gay men.
Do lesbians and gay men hate the opposite sex?
No. Lesbians are lesbians because they form loving relationships with women, and gay men are gay men because they form loving relationships with men, and neither form these relationships because they hate the other gender. Many lesbians have close male friends and many gay men have close women friends.
Do lesbians and gay men want to be the opposite sex?
No. Lesbians and gay men do not want to be the opposite sex. Within the gay community, there are many who have challenged and discarded stereotypical sex roles but this does not mean that they are want to be the other gender. Gayness involves celebration and affirmation of one's gender, not a rejection of it.
Some people confuse gayness with transsexuality. A transsexual is a person who has an operation to become the other gender. These people - very few of whom are lesbian or gay - feel deeply that they have been born into the wrong body and should be the other gender.
Is homosexuality healthy?
Studies have shown that people's sexual orientation has no bearing on their mental and emotional stability. In one landmark research project, mental health professionals were unable to distinguish between homosexuals and heterosexuals in terms of functionality, stability, and creativity. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the official listing of psychiatric disorders. In 1975, the American Psychological Association adopted a similar resolution.
Is homosexuality immoral?
Many religious traditions have taught and some continue to teach that homosexuality is immoral. These condemnations are based primarily on a few isolated passages from the Bible. Historically, Biblical passages taken out of context have been used to justify such things as slavery, the inferior status of women, and the persecution of religious minorities. In recent years, many theologians and clergy have begun to look at sexual relationships in terms of the love, mutual support, commitment, and the responsibility of the partners rather than the gender of the individuals involved. Currently, there are many gay and lesbian religious groups and religious congregations that are open, accepting, and supportive of the gay community.
Is being gay "natural"?
Each culture defines what is "natural" or "normal" to fit its own context and these definitions differ. Historians tell us that homosexuality has existed since the earliest of human societies. Anthropologists report that lesbians and gay men have been part of every culture, that in many cultures bisexuality is the norm, and that in some societies homosexuality is very common. Lesbians and gay men are represented in every socioeconomic class, educational level, and race. It is often said that homosexual behavior is not natural because the purpose of sex should be reproduction. In addition to the fact that most heterosexual encounters are not intended to produce children, homosexual relationships, like heterosexual relationships, consist of much more than just sexual encounters. A homosexual identity involves both an emotional commitment to people of the same gender and membership in a community.
Won't gay parents make their kids gay?
Research has shown that children of lesbian or gay parents are no more or less likely to become gay or lesbian. Most gays and lesbians had heterosexual parents. Lesbians and gay men are as likely to be good parents as heterosexual parents. Of course children growing up in non-traditional families may face a certain amount of societal prejudice, but such challenges can be empowering for children if they have love and support. Fewer and fewer children are growing up in two-parent, heterosexual, nuclear families. Lesbian and gay families are one of the many diverse family types that exist.
Why do gay people need Gay Rights laws - isn't that asking for special privileges?
Gay rights laws do not give lesbians and gay men special privileges. On the contrary, gay civil rights laws are consistent with the traditional American belief that all people are entitled to such basic necessities as employment or housing without fear of discrimination. Currently there is no federal protection for lesbians and gay men who are discriminated against. Unfortunately in many countries lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people can be (and are) fired from their jobs, and denied housing, credit, or insurance solely because of their sexual orientation. Gay civil rights laws would extend the same protection to gays, lesbians, and bisexuals that other groups in the U.S. already have.
Do homosexuals spread AIDS?
No. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is spread by the HIV virus. So far in the United States there are certain groups who have been disproportionately affected by AIDS, but anyone who practices unsafe sex or shares needles while using drugs, is putting themselves at risk. There is another disease that has been equally virulent, the disease of AFRAIDS. Those affected by AFRAIDS are misinformed and blame AIDS on different groups - gay men, bisexual men, people of color, IV drug users, people from Haiti etc. The gay community has been an inspiration to many because of the courageous and powerful way it has responded to this human tragedy.
What is homophobia?
Homophobia is the irrational fear, disgust, or hatred of gays, lesbians, or bisexuals or of the homosexual feelings in oneself. Homophobia refers to the discomfort one feels with any behavior, belief, or attitude of self or others which does not conform to traditional sex role stereotypes.
Homophobia results in: fear of associating with gays, lesbians, or bisexuals; fear of being perceived as gay, lesbian, or bisexual; fear of stepping out of accepted sex-role behavior; and fear of knowing and befriending over 10% of humanity.
What is heterosexism?
Heterosexism is a form of oppression (like other forms of oppression - racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, classism, ableism, etc.) that targets gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Heterosexism includes the belief in the superiority of heterosexuality and inferiority of homosexuality as well as assigning rights and privileges to heterosexuals that are denied to gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. Heterosexism is revealed through: personal behaviors (telling "queer jokes," anti-gay graffiti, verbal and physical harassment); institutional policies (discrimination in jobs, housing, immigration, child custody, etc. with no civil rights protection); and cultural norms (no positive images of gays, lesbians, or isexuals in the media, in courses, or as role models).